Welcome to Envy Fashion Inc!

This up and coming clothing line is for teenage girls and young adults its meant to help you express your true self and be passionate about fashion.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Vicky Beckham Does It Again!

Okay, so enough with the one shoulder already!! I thought that I hated one shoulder, asymmetrical dresses until I saw this one by Victoria Beckham. Someone once called her look "severe". But, I will put all of my money with her. She is a style champion!! She knows how clothes should fit, not to mention, how they should hang on your body. I love her. Victoria never fails to disappoint me. My only problem with her fashions is that I cannot find them anywhere. They are not at Neimans or Saks (well if they are, I can't find them) Where are they? This dress is chic and fabulous. And of course, its black!! Its severe just like her!!

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